The impact of the Coronavirus on our travel plans

The Coronavirus has abruptly changed our way of life. We are all watching the news and the threat of this virus creeping closer, only now realising how much we all have to do our part to slow the spread. What does that mean for us who are travelling or who want to travel? Let’s take a look.


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A brief history

The Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is technically a group of viruses that cause disease in mammals and birds. The first outbreak happened in Wuhan, China, and has now spread to more than 150 countries around the world. At face value, the Coronavirus is little more than a bad cold, with symptoms including a cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Many survive the virus but some who are more vulnerable to respiratory problems or have a suppressed immune system can end up needing hospitalisation. To date, there are over 10,000 deaths worldwide.


Travel restrictions

So, where is travel restricted currently? The short answer is everywhere. The border between the U.S. and Canada is closed to all but essential travel, EU countries have ceased their free movement under similar circumstances, and even within countries people are being encouraged to stay at home. In some countries like Spain and Italy you will get yourself a fine if you are found on the streets for anything other than food shopping, health care, or work. In short, the world is on lockdown, so any travel plans you have are probably going to be put on hold, at least for a little while.


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Time to take advantage?

A lot of newspapers and websites have been making jokes about millennials taking advantage of cheaper travel during this pandemic, and it is true that flights have been cheaper for some. Though with places like Spain closing all their hotels, the aviation industry calling for government support, airports and ports possibly facing closure, and internal bus and rail networks being reduced to use by those in, for example, healthcare, this is not really the time to be travelling. Countries are closing their borders, making it more difficult for you to get back home if you need to.



Yes, we know, for many of us we are not used to be stuck inside; especially those of us with the travel bug. But our health, and the health of those around us is far more important than exploring the world. This virus will pass, and all these incredible places we want to see are waiting for us when life returns to normal. It is worth the wait. Honestly.



Just because we can’t travel right now doesn’t mean we can’t dream up our perfect travel itinerary for when this situation passes. Virtual travel is a thing too with the internet letting us see corners of the world from our couches. So whether you’re planning on exploring everything South America has to offer, or want to get to know just how different all the European countries are from one another, you can look into it now. 


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Learning languages is a great way to prepare for when we can hit the airport and get back to travelling. Imagine how much more you’ll get to experience with Spanish, French, Mandarin, or any other language in your back pocket? The act of learning a language will also keep you occupied during this period of isolation, keeping your mind busy if you run out of work to do or need something more active to do than watch Netflix all day! Use this period of isolation to your advantage to make your future travel experiences even more perfect! 

Learning a language isn’t just about picking up your vocabulary and working on grammar. Even from the comfort of your couch when none of us are going outside, the world is at your fingertips. You can still watch Netflix, though why not do it in your target language? Why not find new artists in the genre you like from around the world to sing along to? How about reading a novel or newspaper in the language you are using? There are so many ways you can make your language learning fun that will help with the boredom you are experiencing as a result of the Coronavirus.

Looking for some guidance with your language studies while we sit out the Coronavirus and wait to get back to our lives? We can help you with that! Our native speaking tutors can help you with a tailored package of study that fits in with your schedule, level, and needs. Drop us a quick enquiry to see how our courses work.