The importance of language training for non-profits and NGOs

Multilingualism enables more than just communication between international speakers; it increases human empathy and people’s desire and ability to connect with one another.


If those in need cannot communicate in another language—especially English, the most widely spoken language in the world—then they are limited by whom they can contact to ask for aid. Meanwhile, the more distant and different we feel we are to another group, the less likely we are to offer our help. By teaching people to speak a few basic phrases or to learn some easy-to-remember expressions or rhymes, we immediately start to develop a relationship with a new community.

For example, many Westerners might feel they have no connection with the Swahili speakers of East Africa—until you remember that you know “Hakuna-matata.” This one phrase instantly establishes a connection between you and the language…and the people that speak it.


So, if speaking distinct languages is an obstacle to helping each other, then learning new languages is the solution!

The more languages people know, the more likely they are to assist international missions and cross-cultural causes. At Language Trainers, we are proud to have assisted non-profits and NGOs to better fulfill their missions to help others by teaching their staff to communicate in foreign languages. Some of our former and current clients include The Department for International Development, The Red Cross, HOPE International, Invisible Children, Women’s Rights (AWID), Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, among others.


We deeply admire and support everyone who cares about others in need, and our success supporting non-profits demonstrates our desire to help them achieve their compassionate operations. Therefore, if you find yourself in need of learning a language that could add value to your own mission, we offer special rates for non-profit organizations.