Beginners Japanese for Teenagers Course Outline
Are you looking to learn Japanese with students your own age, focusing on topics that are of interest to you? The Open-Group Beginner Japanese for Teenagers Course is the best way to learn the vocabulary and expressions you want to know, while studying under the guidance of a qualified, native teacher. You don’t need to master the basics before your lessons focus on the things you and your international classmates love; rather, you will learn the essentials while talking about the things you enjoy. Your teacher will adapt every lesson to the needs and goals of the group, so you have fun acquiring the skills you want, to enjoy the Japanese media and hobbies you love the most.
Lesson 1
You will learn Japanese sounds and the alphabet; greetings; useful expressions: to say thank you/sorry; numbers 1-9; how to introduce yourself and another person; the names of countries, languages, and people; manga and anime vocabulary; talk about yourself
Lesson 2
You will learn numbers 11-19; to ask somebody what they do for a living; A is B (A wa B desu) sentence pattern; to ask what is this/that; to express preferences by using suki; to say I like/I dislikesushi/manga/games/sports; manga and anime vocabulary; likes and dislikes
Lesson 3
You will learn to ask where something is; the numbers 20-99; to ask somebody’s age and say your own; to tell the location of an item or a person; to express preferences; manga and anime vocabulary: places
Lesson 4
You will learn useful expressions; about the Japanese currency; how to ask how much something costs; numbers 100-900; to form yes/no questions; the negative form of desu; manga and anime vocabulary; about schools and education: primary, secondary, college, etc.
Lesson 5
You will learn to talk about location and possession; to use the noun modifier and the particle no; verb groups and conjugation; the present and future tense of verbs; manga and anime vocabulary; daily activities
Lesson 6
You will learn to ask and give your phone number; time expressions; how to form verb sentences and use the object marker o in verb sentences; to describe your daily routine; manga and anime vocabulary: making friends
Lesson 7
You will learn how to ask for something at a store; the counting system and counters; to describe what/who is there; to ask what someone possesses; manga and anime vocabulary: favorite shops
Lesson 8
You will learn to ask someone to do something; the te- form of verbs; manga and anime vocabulary; how to describe things
Lesson 9
You will learn how to ask for and tell the time; more te- form of verbs; adverbs of frequency to describe how often you do something; manga and anime vocabulary: emotions and feelings
Lesson 10
You will learn to speak about your family members and pets; thepast tense of verbs; to describe someone in a certain location; manga and anime vocabulary: traveling
* You do not need to buy a textbook to complete your course. Your teacher will share their materials (excerpts from textbooks, audio files, videos, etc.) with you during the classes using screenshare. Your teacher may also recommend other textbooks and grammar books to help supplement or continue your studies, but Language Trainers bears no responsibility for your decision to make such a purchase.

Our Japanese Teachers

Naho has been teaching Japanese to language students of all levels for almost 20 years.Sheis excited to bring her knowledge and experience to Language Trainers Connect.Born in Fukuoka, Japan, Naho moved to Ottawa, Canada, in 2000, after earning her bachelor’s degree. She obtained a Japanese language teaching certification, thengraduated with a master's in Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.Since 2002, Naho has been teaching courses at universities throughout Canada and Japan. As a result, sheexcels at teaching groups of all sizesandhas taught Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and multi-level courses. Also,Naho's expert knowledge has enabled her to teach specific-purpose classes. For example, her "Reading & Writing Japanese" and "Applied Translation Theory" courses, which she taught at the University of Toronto.Her academic experience makes her a specialist at managing the needs of both the group and individual students.She designs lessons that keep to the syllabus,while encouraging student engagement, withresources that range from textbook exercises to online, interactive tools.Like all great teachers, Naho has continued to study languages throughout her career. She speaks English to an advanced level and a little French, as well. She has a keen interest in gardening, walking, and reading,andshe loves to discuss these topics with her students, teaching them the appropriate Japanese vocabulary in real time. Similarly, she encourageslearners to share their own interests with the class.So,you can expect to dedicate some of your online lessontime toconversing(in Japanese) on topics that you are passionate about, while getting to know your international classmates better
Please note that Language Trainers has many highly qualified and experienced native language trainers who teach courses for us. Your specific teacher may be one of those profiled here on this page or may be a different, similarly qualified teacher.