Our Online German tutors will get you started with German and help you overcome all its complexities, whether you need German for work, travel or personal reasons.
Cours de langues en ligne en un coup d'oeil
- Disponible pour tous les niveaux
- Des cours sur mesure, adaptés à vos besoins individuels
- Des horaires flexibles
- Des professeurs natifs et diplômés

Leçons Allemand en ligne
This is the perfect course for all students from Beginner to Advanced levels. Each student will begin the course at his or her own pace. Students can anticipate finishing the course with confidence in his or her German-speaking, reading, and writing abilities.
Beginner students will start the course with Survival German, to help build assurance in dealing with everyday affairs in Germany or with native speakers. Following Survival German, the student will continue the course with a lesson plan tailor-made to suit his or her learning expectations.
Students at a fluent level will intensively study complex grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation with their trainer. In addition, students will become familiar with slang terms and idioms to help the student improve his or her level of fluency.
Online General German Lessons are available as One-to-One or Two-to-One classes. Language Trainers also offers two different types of group classes –Private (closed) Group classes and Public (open) Group classes. Private (closed) Group classes are formed by the student, and designed for students with a group of relatives, colleagues, or friends interested in participating in a course.
Public (open) Group classes are organized by Language Trainers. Any student may join a public group class. Classes will meet at the same time and day each week.
For all classes, a minimum booking of 10 hours is required. Maximum group size: 8.
Ces prix sont valables pour les langues les plus courantes (anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien et français); pour d'autres langues, les prix peuvent être légèrement plus élevés.(C$515)
Vous souhaitez apprendre Allemand en ligne avec des étudiants qui vous ressemblent, venus de différentes régions du monde?
Jetez un coup d'œil à nos cours ALLEMAND en groupes ouverts Language Trainers Connect!
Êtes-vous prêt à voyager et à rencontrer de nouveaux amis dans le monde entier ?
- Des professeurs de classe mondiale enseignant plus de 80 langues
- Prenez des leçons en face à face à votre domicile ou à votre bureau
- Développez des compétences en demande avec l’aide de tuteurs de langue maternelle

Leçons Allemand professionnel en ligne
The perfect course for those doing business in the German market or for those with clients in Germany. Ideal for both beginners and advanced speakers.
Our trainers will guide each student through specific Germn business vocabulary and business practices that will both improve the student's language fluency and aid him or her in job advancement or placement.
Beginners will be taught the fundamentals of German grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. After grasping the necessary basics, beginners will be lead through the varying categories of Business German including cross-cultural differences, proper greetings and business etiquette. Our trainers will instruct the student in the specifics of Telephone German and E-mail German skills. These essential skills will give the student the encouragement needed to pursue his or her business goals. Those who are more fluent in German will concentrate more on reading and writing. Trainers will also address job-specific needs and requirements for German.
Many of our students are also working for multinational companies in the areas of international negotiations and acquisitions, import/export, etc. We also are training students who are currently looking for jobs in Germany.
Lessons are currently available for One-to-One or Private (closed) group classes. Private, or closed, group classes allow for the students to pick and choose who they would like in their group. Language Trainer schedules classes at the convenience of the student.
All lessons last one hour. Language Trainers has a minimum booking of 10 hours. Maximum group size: 8.
Ces prix sont valables pour les langues les plus courantes (anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien et français); pour d'autres langues, les prix peuvent être légèrement plus élevés.(C$515)

Commencez votre cours en ligne avec Language Trainers dès aujourd'hui !
Quel que soit votre niveau, de débutant à avancé, nos cours en ligne sont créés sur mesure en fonction de vos besoins et demandes spécifiques.
CONTACTEZ-NOUS DES AUJOURD'HUI POUR UN COURS D'ESSAINous recherchons des professeurs Allemand. Si vous avez de l'expérience dans l'enseignement en ligne
Nous faire parvenir votre résumé et CV.