Case Studies: Teachers>

Linda Maria
Age: 45
Language Taught: English
Years of teaching experience: 12
I love working for Language Trainers as well as the opportunity to work with such fantastic and interesting students from all over the world
What language do you teach and why did you choose teaching as your career?
Teaching chose ME as a career after a number of years in the corporate world. I went through a life-changing evaluation of my personal and professional priorities and goals. I wanted to use the international work experience in a way that would “give back” to the world, and I felt this was possible through teaching English and coaching adult professionals on international cultural and business practices.
What age group do you usually teach?
I teach adults and all of my Language Trainers students thus far have been lawyers, investment bankers, IT specialists, politicians, company owners/founders, advertising and marketing executives, and a number of wives of foreign executives. Every student is unique and an inspiration to me to be a better teacher!
What is your teaching philosophy?
I believe that in life, we are all teachers and students to one another. My general philosophy is that our lessons are either positive —or not so positive—and we learn important lessons from both. When I teach, I’m personally and professionally so much happier. I’m helping and mentoring others in a very positive way. Our mutual experiences together as teacher-students reach so many others in the most amazing way!
What do you look for in a student?
On a personal level, I look for curiosity in a student, a willingness to make the most of their experience in NYC and in the USA in general, and the ability to think critically, probe deeper, and understand the bigger picture. On the technical and practical side, I look for a few things and assess these in every class or as often as possible. These are: a student’s need for the targeted language, the student’s motivation, the student’s individual prominent learning style, and any outside learning barriers or interferences.
What should students expect in you as a teacher?
As a teacher, I am enthusiastic, caring, and strongly encouraging of my students that they try their best…and then some! I expect much out of my students and I hope they expect even MORE from me. I do give a lot of myself. I’m empathetic and understanding to their feelings and life situations, as I’ve been in their same situation myself. Many of my Language Trainers students have been ‘shell shocked’ by their working experience in the United States; both at the pace to perform and the workload to handle. Our classes are the one place they can comfortably express this and feel understood.
Describe your favorite aspect of working for Language Trainers.
I love working for Language Trainers as well as the opportunity to work with such fantastic and interesting students from all over the world. I really cannot describe just one favorite teaching experience. Every class and every student is different. What I love most of all about teaching is that my students are teachers to ME. They push me to be a better teacher and a better person. They bring their world to me, and they do so with much grace, charm, humor, and integrity. To Language Trainers I’d like to say, thank you for the privilege to work with such students, and for the opportunity to be their teacher.
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