Our Free Language Resources
<p> <strong>Learning a language requires commitment and determination, but it should also be a fun and engaging experience.</strong> Spending precious time pouring through dictionaries and completing worksheets over and over is a sure way to lose your enthusiasm for learning. Meanwhile, games, entertainment, and fascinating facts make language learning a thrilling pastime that will keep you coming back for more. <strong>So, we have created and amassed a selection of free resources for you to supplement your language learning in your spare time…and so you can have a little fun while doing it!</strong> </p> <p> Expand your comprehension and discover your new favorite movie, song, or book all at once by browsing our reviews of recommended foreign media across a whole range of languages. Or, if you’d rather focus on developing your grammar and verb conjugation, you can complement your personalized classes with one of the recommended language course books that our team has reviewed for you. </p> <p> Whether you are still considering a program or have already begun your lessons, it’s always interesting and useful to understand your current language proficiency level. Our Language Level tests will test your reading and grammar skills, while our Listening Tests are the perfect way to get a sense for how well you comprehend foreign speakers. </p> <p> And last, give your brain a break from absorbing your new language now and then, and enjoy our trivia section for some great games and cool facts. </p> <p> <strong>Have fun!</strong> </p>
Listening Tests
Song, Film And Book Reviews
Language Course Book Reviews